In this episode, we're joined by our friend Peter Dunworth, bitcoiner and financial advisor from Sydney, Australia

We’ll get to know Peter and his experience introducing people to bitcoin in his day to day life, and we cover a whirlwind of interesting topics: from bitcoin’s immutable ledger and its informational nature, to the importance of self custody and the Time locking function of bitcoin.

Connect with Peter on Twitter:
Check out Peter's website for his advisory services:
Peter's brother Michael's article on Timelocking:

00:00:00 - Welcoming Peter Dunworth and Discussing Bitcoin Alive Conference
00:07:25 - Knut's First Conference (And Richard Heart Experience)
00:11:16 - Leaving a Legacy Visible on Bitcoin
00:14:40 - The Collective Knowledge of Bitcoin
00:19:06 - Bitcoin Incentivizes Collaboration Not Competition
00:21:35 - (Late) Introduction to Peter Dunworth
00:27:10 - Understanding Everything Divided by 21 Million
00:33:31 - Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
00:37:52 - Peter's Bitcoin Story
00:43:29 - Knut's Praxeology Book
00:49:28 - Timelocking - Bitcoin's Cold Storage Super Power
00:57:43 - Timelocking As Collateral
01:00:14 - Bitcoin Can Only Change for the Better
01:06:22 - The Implications of Timelocking
01:11:34 - Timelocking As Schrödinger's Bitcoin - Defense Against Quantum Attack
01:18:11 - The Benefit of Models Like Plan B
01:23:21 - Completely Rethinking the Fiat System With Bitcoin
01:27:38 - What Keeps Peter Up At Night?
01:30:22 - The Real Timelock Story (And Why Ethereum Is Trash)
01:34:48 - Wrapping Up - Where to Find Peter Dunworth